When I was younger I had the ability to experience profound orgasms through my whole body, but after years of feeling shame, pain, and guilt after self-pleasuring or tapping into this erotic energy, I stopped feeling the power of my climax as an adult.

Sure, I could still orgasm/climax, but it felt weak and wasn’t pleasurable at all. 

Not to mention, I couldn’t achieve orgasm with a partner or have vaginal orgasms alone either.

An unfortunate fact is that so many women out there are totally disconnected from not only their sensual pleasure, but their ability to feel their erotic energy and achieve climax…especially one that is wholly orgasmic and shakes you to your core deliciously.

Imagine having orgasmic experiences that go beyond the bedroom and beyond just clitoral contractions!

If you’ve never experienced an orgasm before or your current orgasms feel weak and not so great, I invite you to watch my video and begin a sexual practice that can help you experience your first (or best!) orgasm!

Catch my previous jade egg videos here:

Awaken Your Erotic Power Using a Jade Egg

How to Use a Jade Egg

The Benefits of Using a Jade Egg

I go deeper into everything about the lovely jade egg in my free jade egg ebook! Want to read it and get added to the waiting list for my upcoming jade egg online course Jade Awakening?

Download your free copy of my ebook ‘How to Awaken Your Erotic Power Using a Jade Egg’ here.

Click here to download your FREE jade egg ebook!

If you need to purchase your very own jade egg, I’m officially selling them directly on Etsy! My shop The Erotic Woman Shop is up and running and I have 17 jade eggs left. You can visit the shop here and snag your jade egg!

Now over to you, lover. What is your experience with orgasm currently like right now?


Amber L.

P.S. I have a summer sale running on my private coaching right now so if you’re interested in working one-on-one with me, make sure to enroll for a coaching program with me by the end of June so you can get in on the specials and bonuses! 

My 3-month program is $500 off until the end of June!! PLUS if you sign up for either coaching program, you receive:

  • FREE ACCESS to my online salon The Sensually Awakened & Embodied Woman Experience ($97 value)
  • FREE COPY of my Embodied Pleasure Playbook & Guided Meditation ($17)
  • PLUS I always give my private clients tons of helpful resources, goodies, and gifts because I understand healing sexually and sensually can open up a lot for us…which means we need tools to support us. 

CLICK HERE to apply for a 45-minute complimentary Erotic Woman Consultation so we can see if playing and working together is an option for us!