Have you ever considered that the key to abundance, pleasure and deep (super delicious) orgasms resides between your thighs? The Holy Grail–a sacred chalice between your legs that allows you to experience the depth of pleasure, bliss and prosperity. 

Your sexuality is sacred. Your sexuality and erotic, sexual energy is yours and it’s directly linked to the very spot, which is the key to overflowing abundance, pleasure and deep orgasms. Although it’s much deeper than that. It’s about much more than the anatomy that lies between your soft fleshy thighs. 

Your yoni. She is the portal to divinity, intuition, cash flow, bliss and spiritual union and enlightenment. Your yoni is where masculine and feminine merge, becoming one and expanding beyond time and space into the deepest state of embodiment and highest realm of Oneness. 

Have you ever looked between your legs at your yoni and simply admired her with respect, love and devotion worthy of worship? 

Have you ever felt the swelling and pulsing that happens when your yoni becomes so engorged with pleasure that you feel waves of orgasmic bliss and ecstasy flowing through your whole body and being?

Have you ever felt your yoni become wet instantly as you receive something, whether it be support, sexual pleasure, cash or a gift?

Have you ever felt that your heart, legs and wallet were truly open to the abundance, love and pleasure you so desire? 

This is what happens when you awaken your yoni. Not only that, but when you harness the power of your pleasure, erotic energy and orgasm to fuel your body and life. 

Imagine waking up each day feeling satiated in your body, feeling at  home in your skin and ready for pleasure. 

Imagine going about your day with ease, grace and feminine flow, allowing yourself to move with an open body, yoni and heart. 

Imagine calling in the lover you’ve been waiting for, receiving more prosperity and/or experiencing orgasms that fill your body like a warm, golden nectar that radiates through you like ecstasy. 

What would your life become if you felt like that? What would your body look and feel like? What could happen for you if that was how you embodied your pleasure, sensuality and erotic nature? 

If you were to awaken your yoni and truly own the power of the portal that lies between your thighs, what would open up for you in your body and life? 

More pleasure? More love? More money? More travel, adventure, passion? More time to BE? 

Feel into that and allow yourself to explore what it would be like to use your yoni as a compass, guiding you on the feminine path of erotic love, sensuality and pleasure. 

If your body is saying YES! to any of that, then CLICK HERE to sign up for my latest Erotic Masterclass for women. This masterclass is titled Awaken Your Yoni & Harness the Power of Your Pleasure, Erotic Energy & Orgasm and when you join me you’ll learn:

  • The true power of your yoni & how to fully access your pleasure potential

  • Why having a self-pleasure ritual is essential for feeling sexually satisfied & highly orgasmic

  • The key to experiencing deep pleasure & vaginal orgasms during intercourse

  • How your yoni is the portal to divinity, intuition, abundant cash flow & creativity

I can’t wait to share all of my wisdom and knowledge with you on how to awaken your yoni and really unlock your deepest pleasure, desire and orgasmic power.

The time and date is Wednesday June 22nd at 6 pm EST/3 pm PST. It will be done via Google Hangout so you can show up live and play. It will be recorded and sent out within 12 hours after the live time, but as always, I recommend showing up live so you can make sure you devote time to it. 

CLICK HERE to sign up!

Drop me a comment below and let me know what would be possible for you if you awakened your own yoni, power, pleasure and erotic, orgasmic energy? 



P.S. Want deeper support in awakening your yoni, sensuality and erotic energy? Apply for a complimentary 45-minute Erotic Woman Consultation with me to see if we have chemistry with me supporting you long term! APPLY HERE or check out my packages HERE. I’m offering some extra goodies with my private coaching this summer so make sure to apply to find out more.