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Today I want to shed some light and share a little Divine Feminine insight with you on the difference between sensuality and sexuality, how they’re interconnected, and why they’re both essential for being fully present in your body, pleasure, and feminine essence.

Not only that, but getting to the root of your sensuality and sexuality blocks while awakening and embodying both fully, will give you the ability to live a juicy, luscious life that is filled with orgasmic ecstasy, over-flowing love, and sooo much more.

I’m sharing with you my relationship to sensuality and sexuality, but as always, take what resonates and Alchemize or leave out the rest.

Words are just words and while language can be wonderful for helping us to connect to something, it’s best to shoot for the embodiment and experience of it all. Let’s dive into it, lover…

Sensuality: I personally define sensuality as the way we experience, connect to, and relate to our internal and external environment through the five physical senses of the magnificent body: taste, touch, sound, sight, smell. This is innate and our birthright as we explore our environment using our senses as babies.

Sexuality: I define our sexuality as the ability to not only procreate a baby, but it’s our juiciness, our vitality, life-force, orgasmic energy (Shakti, Kundalini, etc.).

It’s OUR energy that allows us to tap into the part of ourselves that is both energetic and physical, even spiritual, such as in Tantra where body meets spirit, where sex meets soul.

Your sexuality isn’t just about your yoni (vagina in Sanskrit), procreation of the species, or penetration…it’s also about your creative, life-force, feminine, orgasmic essence. It’s your being. Your Shakti sexual energy is also your birthright as this energy is present the second you were created and gestated in your mother’s womb.

You may have your own thoughts, beliefs, and blocks around sensuality and sexuality and I respect where you are on your own journey. However, one thing I can’t handle is seeing women who deny their very nature, both sensual and sexual.

Yes, there is sensual pleasure (like eating a really delicious piece of chocolate or feeling satin sheets against your bare skin) and sexual pleasure (like kissing your lover passionately as he/she makes love to you, or feeling your own loving hands as you touch your yoni).

Sensual pleasure can turn you on and make you feel sexual pleasure in the form of arousal, being ignited from within, and feeling juicy, radiant, filled with vitality and creativity, or turned on to life itself!

This is why I base my coaching practice and my life on the idea that sensuality and sexuality go hand in hand. No, being sensual doesn’t always lead to the physical act of sex or making love or even pleasuring yourself sexually, but does it rev up your Shakti (aka sexual energy)? I say, hell yes!

If you are actually being fully present in your sensuality, as in fully awakened and embodied, and present with the sensations you’re feeling and experiencing in that moment, you are engaging in your own juicy, orgasmic energy because it’s your very feminine essence.
It’s your divinity.

Your own Alchemical cauldron of luscious radiance and energy. 

The second reason I believe they go hand in hand and are deeply interconnected and woven magically together is because a lot of men and women don’t really understand the difference between sensuality and sexuality, often confusing them.

What I’ve noticed is that every time I hear someone talking about sensuality from a wounded place of trying to repress or deny it in themselves or what I’ve experienced in my own body, life, and business is that they either become offended or intrigued by my sensual talk.
A) They automatically assume that sensual equals sexual and B) they don’t even understand the real meaning behind sexuality and sexual energy itself. (See my definition above again on sexuality.) 
And you know what? It’s not their fault, it isn’t your fault, and it wasn’t/isn’t my fault when I used to and still do, at times, react the same way. As a culture, society and collective we all carry so much sensual and sexual repression, because we are denying our core nature (for various reasons)–that we are sensual creatures and sexual beings.

While I do feel that sensuality is my spirituality and that both sensuality and sexuality are both deeply sacred and my connection to the goddess, priestess, and divinity within me and without me, I almost feel as though our sensuality is more of the primal, physical experience and our sexuality is our essence, our energy, and our way of BEING as a sexual, energetic soul.

My sensuality leads me to states of ecstasy within my body, heart, and soul while connecting me to The Divine, but it’s through the physical act of stimulating my body or having my body stimulated through one or all of my five senses.

It’s magical and for me, the more awakened, empowered, and embodied I become sensually, the more awakened, empowered, and embodied I become sexually, because understanding my true nature, that I am both sensual and sexual, has allowed me to heal deep wounds from the past. Wounds and trauma and shame that belong to me from experiences I had myself and a lot of other trauma and wounds that belong to the lineages before you and I were even born.

I wanted to write you this love letter today talking about sensuality and sexuality, because I often get asked about the difference and I hear and see a lot of other women talking about sensuality, but then they quickly throw out a disclaimer right after to their clients or whoever they’r talking to saying that it is NOT SEXUALITY.

I get it. I really do. I know why they do it. For the same reason that sometimes I ask myself…

“Should I post this somewhat seductive photo of myself on Instagram talking about loving the body?” or “Should I say this in public, out loud, or even on Facebook?”

Or “What will people think?”

“Will they judge me?”

“Will they call me a slut?”

All of these questions come from my own wound with my own sensuality and sexuality, but it doesn’t mean it’s true or right.
I know deep in my heart, soul, womb, and yoni along with my connection to the Goddess within me, that women need this.
I need this.
YOU need this.
Our society, men and women, need this. We need to heal. We need to allow ourselves to be sensual and sexual, because it really is our birthright and inherent nature. 

I’m sure you can tell that I’m wildly passionate about sensuality AND sexuality. It’s what I was put here for. I finally see and understand that every illness, block, pattern, belief, and experience I’ve had in my whole life has revolved around the enjoyment, indulgence, repression, or denial of my own sensuality, sexuality, feminine essence, orgasm, and pleasure as a woman. 

So what now? Stay tuned lover, because I’ve been creating some really amazing programs, courses, and salons that you can take advantage of to awaken and embody your sensuality and so much more.

Until then, I just wanted to get your juices flowing on this topic. If you feel called to, reply and leave me a comment below.

 I’d love to know what you think about all of this. What do you feel? What do you struggle with in regards to your sensuality and sexuality? I’m here for you.

P.S. I’ve just revamped my website (do you like it?) and my one-one-one coaching page so if you’ve ever been curious about what it’s like to work with me, check it out here. You can also check out the free courses and salons I offer that will help you awaken your sensuality, fall in love with your body, and embody your orgasmic pleasure here. I’m going to be releasing a new online temple via Google Hangout soon so stay tuned for details PLUS I have a new online salon opening for enrollment in early April so definitely get excited for that! (Details on my upcoming Awaken Your Sensuality Online Salon for women will be released shortly.)

Are you on my weekly love letter email list? If not, sign up and become a VIP Sensual Lover so you can get weekly love letters from me along with sensual updates on current programs, juicy content, AND exclusive goodies I offer to my VIP email Goddesses only.

Until next time, lover…

xx Amber L
