It never ceases to amaze me how much I am constantly learning about my body, my sensuality, and the way she responds so magnificently. I’m sharing an experience that I had last week with you–a magical experience that shows me just how fucking powerful the connection is between our sensuality and sexuality, money and abundance, and having an open, loving heart. 

I’ve been doing a lot of sacral and root chakra work {as I’m sure you can tell} over the past several years. Sensuality. Sexuality. Creativity. Abundance. Money. Receiving. Feeling safe and secure. So on and so on. I’ve noticed a huge connection between my sensuality, sexuality, abundance, money, and of course, gratitude with an open heart.

I’ve shared a few blog posts and videos with you about my approach to having a money lover and bringing my Shakti {sexual energy}, pleasure, orgasm, sensuality, and erotic love into how I handle my finances. Basically bedding and dating my money aka my Money Lover.

This connection has been growing and strengthening itself. I just didn’t realize how strong and connected it was until recently, specifically this experience. My body literally responds sensually and sexually when I RECEIVE money now. 

Let me elaborate, lover…

I had been waiting to receive a certain amount of money for a specific reason, had been practicing DAILY rituals to cultivate inner wealth, connecting with my Money Lover, and showing up as my full sensual, sexual self when it comes to handling my finances. I didn’t realize how much I was training my body–through my sensuality AND sexuality–to fully respond to abundance {internal and external abundance}.

Last week I checked my bank account on a whim after feeling pulled to check it and the money I had been expecting arrived! And you know what happened to my body?? I ran into my room after writing a little gratitude note for my gratitude jar and started to dance to one of my favorite songs so I could celebrate the moment.

Two things happened.

1. My heart felt so fucking open. Full. Ripe. Passion, pleasure, love, desire, gratitude–all sensually embodied. I felt so full of love and gratitude.

2. My yoni got EXTREMELY wet…like flowing. Almost instantly. I was shocked…although I really shouldn’t be by now. I know enough about my body and I PREACH it all the damn time. The yoni knows! The yoni is our portal to soooo much. Abundance, creativity, love, etc. 

So here’s what I’ve realized once again. There is a correlation between money and abundance, our sensuality, sexuality, yoni, libido, love, and receiving. Our bodies literally LOVE TO FUCKING RECEIVE. THEY TAKE PLEASURE IN IT. HENCE, THEY GET AROUSED. OUR LIBIDO SKY ROCKETS.

Open legs, open heart, open wallet. Seriously. When you are OPEN to receive {pleasure, love, abundance, sensuality, etc.} you are a channel to get just what you have been desiring. And when you receive it? Your body fucking responds. She lights up. She comes alive. She gets wet, open, soft, orgasmic, she IGNITES. She flows. Your heart even cracks open…because the heart and cervix are linked. {THANK YOU JADE EGG–another reason I adore this practice!!}

I know Kim Anami talks often about how having a strong vagina leads to an abundant life and I knew this deep down already because I’ve been using the jade egg for over a year now and have been worshiping my yoni power, Shakti, and sensuality daily. I talk about it pretty often. I live my daily life with that concept in my body, heart, and soul, but what shocked me the most was how instantaneous my yoni’s reaction was to this receiving and showing of gratitude. 

It goes so much deeper than this though. I’m a firm believer in using orgasm and self-pleasure {opening my legs} to open my heart, AND to call in abundance. I use orgasm and/or self-pleasure as a way of connecting to my sensuality, sexuality, heart, soul, the Divine, my own divinity, my lover, and to cultivate inner and outer abundance and money a la my Money Lover. 

Every time I open my legs, whether it’s to work with my favorite sacred tool–the magical jade egg–or to engage in self-pleasure or make love with my Beloved, I am also opening my heart, and now I realize that I’ve been simultaneously opening my wallet in the sense that it’s filling with abundance and money in the physical realm.

To sum it up for you…open legs= open heart = open wallet–to fill up with money and abundance!

This is your physical wallet {or purse} and the metaphorical wallet of your inner abundance container. Your inner chalice to be filled with love, pleasure, abundance, sensuality, creativity, and heaps of gratitude and prosperity. After all gratitude must be practiced and embodied fully in order to feel the juiciness of your inner and outer abundance. 

What do you think or feel about this? Have you ever experienced this before? I sure as hell hope so…and if not, it’s headed your way!!

Here’s to our abundance, open hearts, legs, and wallets! Mmm yes. 

P.S. Are you looking for support in awakening and embodying your sensuality while cultivating deep, meaningful, and sensually sacred relationships with other women? If so, you might be a perfect fit for my new group program The Sensually Embodied Woman™ Immersion! Check out details here, lover. 

P.P.S. Open your heart, legs, AND your wallet by putting a sensual spin on your self-love cultivation journey and sign up for my complimentary online salon 7 Days of Sensual Self-Love. Join here

xx Amber L