
Today, this episode is dedicated to your (potentially) numb vagina. Or even the next layer of your pleasure if you happen to have a very awakened, orgasmic pussy.

I struggled for 23 years on and off with my sexuality. I experienced vaginal numbness that carried over into me having a numb, dull and shallow life.

My life felt…well…lifeless. 

My life-force energy was shut down and because of that, my vagina was so numb that I couldn’t even feel anything from the waist down. 

I remember having sex and feeling nothing and that was even before it became excruciatingly painful for me. Even before the time when it was tight, dry and feeling forced. 

I remember only being able to really feel clitoral pleasure that was followed by pelvic pain and then the void of numbness. A black hole of nothingness deep inside of my vagina. 

I couldn’t fathom the thought of trying to insert a finger inside of myself to see if I could feel anything at all. I wanted to escape the nothingness from years of feeling turned off, disconnected and shut down. 

I worried what was behind the numbness. Was it more numbness? Or pain? Or pleasure? 

Once I decided to go deep inside of myself, I found and opened the erotic treasure box that replaced the deep, dark box that was filled with all of the hidden and repressed pain, numbness and shame.

I loved my sexual shadows, connected to my pussy and started to revel in my pleasure again. I started to FEEL again…to come alive. I became TURNED ON.

Numbness is no longer my experience. And I know it doesn’t have to be yours either.  You can start to FEEL again (yes, even the scary stuff you’re afraid to face), come ALIVE and become TURNED ON. 

Let’s get into this a little deeper so you can understand more about the psychology and sexual physiology around WHY you experience numbness. HINT: it’s a much deeper reason than you probably think. 

Listen to this juicy episode and learn:

  • The deeper reason you experience numbness in your vagina (and perhaps your life)
  • How reclaiming my own erotic innocence awakened my pussy after a numb spell
  • 3 easy, worship-worthy rituals to replace vaginal numbness with deep, ecstatic pleasure

Every woman needs to know and understand her sexual potential, especially when it’s hiding behind numbness. Think about all of the power and pleasure that lies on the other side! To go deeper into this, you can download my free jade egg ebook here


Orrrr you can sign up for my brand new Jade Egg Video Salonwhich is a free 3-part video series that will take you on a journey through the power and beauty of using a jade egg to awaken vaginal pleasure, harness your sexual energy and connect you back to your deeply erotic and highly orgasmic nature as a woman. Sign up here!


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Reclaiming Our Innocence Through Sexual Healing (Article)

Chakrubs (Crystal pleasure wands/dildos)

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If you prefer to read rather than listen, you can read the transcript below:

Today’s article is a letter of devotion and even an invitation for your numb vagina to awaken and come alive again. It’s an acknowledgement of the state of your pussy’s numbness or pain or even her pleasure.

We’re going to talk about why you may have a numb vagina, some things you can do to restore pleasure again and I really want to share with you how the jade egg helps your vagina return to an orgasmic state.

I’m preparing to open doors for my jade egg online course the Jade Awakening Salon in a couple of weeks so I’m feeling called to inspire women to begin or deepen their practice, because having a numb vagina and a fear of or detachment from your whole pussy is literally a roadblock to your life-force energy. It puts a cap on your pleasure and orgasmic potential.

There’s so much more to this than just the jade egg though so settle in for a nice dose of erotic insight and provocative conversation.

I created this episode for you today to definitely share some juicy insight and wisdom with you, but I also want to share a part of my personal story, because I think it’s essential for women to understand how similar we all are…how connected we are.

We always think we’re isolated and alone and the only one suffering, especially because there’s so much on the down low about sexual issues, but it’s never true. You’re never alone. So let’s bravely venture into this territory together, hand in hand as sisters.

I also want to share a little bit about how I went from suffering to now living this orgasmic body and life, because I definitely wasn’t always so connected to my pussy.

There was a long period of time, more than ¾ of my life, where I didn’t wake up and instantly think about the lusciousness of my yoni. Or adore her in a beautiful, ornate handheld mirror. Or ask her questions like an oracle. Or trust her implicitly above anyone or anything else, using her as my intuitive guide and trusted compass.

There were many years where I experienced numbness or pain in my vagina, which lead to a super low libido, me feeling incredibly frustrated and having this idea that I was missing out on truly fulfilling sex.

I would wake up and think to myself…wow I feel nothing. I could go back to sleep and not care. This numb vagina translated to a numb, disconnected and unfulfilling life.

I would sit down and just feel nothing in my whole pelvis or it would feel really uncomfortable. This was before I even manifested the bladder inflammation and incontinence I started experiencing at age 21.

Sometimes it would tingle and there were many years where I’d swing back and forth between numbness, excruciating pain and then finally having some pleasure, but it was never sustainable because it was all from searching outside of myself and not loving and owning my pussy. I wanted a boyfriend to bring me pleasure and when he couldn’t, because even I couldn’t on my own, I’d get frustrated and shut down even more.

I used harsh vibrators, porn and too much clitoral stimulation which made me feel dirty, wrong and bad. This also caused me to shut down. I numbed even more after the pelvic pain wore down, which also translated to me numbing myself with body shaming, self-loathing, emotional and binge eating and developing bouts of depression.

This numbness used to feel like stagnancy deep inside of my vagina. I now realize this stagnancy was actually my life-force, sexual energy calling to me. I had trapped it inside of myself.

There are so many reasons why we suffer from having a weak pelvic floor and a numb vagina. We can talk all day about how we’re not taught or trained to honor our feminine regions and the physical, more biological reasons for numbness.

Most of us aren’t even taught what our sexual organs are called or they’re given ridiculous pet names like coochie or vajajay.

We don’t know how to sit properly so that we don’t displace our pelvic floor. We’re not taught how to maintain our pelvic bowl or strengthen our pelvic floor muscles, love our pussies or access the full range and depth of our pleasure and orgasms.

Sex ed is seriously lacking. I don’t remember learning a damn thing about the power, pleasure and beauty of my vulva and vagina.

I barely remember being taught about the most basic physical anatomy. I also don’t remember them mentioning the clitoris and her 8,000 nerve endings devoted solely to my pleasure.

All of the ancient rituals, practices and forms of worship and celebration that were practiced several thousands of years ago are starting to make a comeback, but it takes a lot of unlearning, de-programming and coming undone, layer by layer, for a woman to embody her pussy’s power, beauty and orgasmic pleasure.

It’s well worth it though. Life is not life unless you are tapped directly into the juiciness and power of your very source of life creation. The holy chalice between your legs.

I’m such a fan of yoni or pussy worship. Doing rituals every single day to connect to, awaken, honor and adore our most sacred, feminine, erotic body part.

The first thing I do when I wake up each morning is place my hands over my heart and pussy and just breathe into her. I like to reach down, because I sleep naked, and just lovingly stroke my vulva.

She’s the first part of myself that I connect with and for a lot of women, the first part of ourselves we connect with is usually our mind and ego upon waking.

We jump into to-do’s or unfinished tasks from yesterday or the argument we had with our lover or how we just want to go back to sleep.

We don’t slow down and ground into the very source of our pleasure, power and truth.

Numbness definitely comes from our cultural ignorance of not having knowledge around our lady parts plus the lack of knowing how to take care of them properly let alone worship and empower them.

To me, numbness comes from something even deeper though.

A disconnection to our life-force and the source of it, our pussy.

This disconnection can come hand in hand with shame, trauma, stored blocks and beliefs and other forms of conditioning.

The reason we disconnect and numb out over time is because of traumatic events that caused our bodies to shut down and enter habitual states of freeze mode after fight or flight didn’t work to protect us from a violation of some sort, even if it wasn’t just a vaginal or sexual violation.

We also disconnect and become numb from deep shame, whether it comes from our society as a whole or community and culture, but especially childhood conditioning from our parents.

The ones who took care of us generally pass on their own blocks and beliefs about sexuality, especially female sexuality. We also carry the cellular memory of our mother’s feminine wounds in our ovary eggs and wombs, which she carried from her mother and so on.

I’ve mentioned this several times in other articles, podcasts and videos, but women literally store our trauma, shame and negative events or blocks deep inside of the tissue of our bodies–especially in the vaginal walls.

The crazy thing is that so many women don’t know that having a numb vagina is not supposed to be normal. It’s common unfortunately, but it’s not the natural or even permanent state.

Your vagina being numb is not the end for you. It’s a signal from your body saying ‘Hey! We need your attention. Something inside of us has shut down and we can’t access the juicy, life-force energy and erotic power that’s behind it. It’s time to wake up!

So send your numb vagina some love right now. She’s not broken or defective. There is nothing wrong with you. You’re not weird or doomed or hopeless.

Your numb vagina wants you to know that on the other side of that sensation of nothingness is pure sexual power, pleasure and deep, orgasmic potential.

If you’re numb it means you’ve blocked out your sexuality. But the beauty with blocks comes the ability to unblock.

To transmute them. To awaken and heal, especially through the power of pleasure, sexual energy and orgasm. Through medicinal self-love and sensual awakening.

I invite you for just a moment to go deeper into this with yourself…

What is the REAL reason your vagina is numb?

What’s behind the mis-diagnosed or undiagnosed or even diagnosed pelvic or vaginal problems that your doctor said you maybe have?

What have you disconnected from, hidden from, repressed or shamed inside of your vagina?

What is your vaginal numbness protecting you from really feeling or processing?

Chances are there’s a deep, dark box deeply embedded not just in your psyche but inside of your vagina that is harboring a whole lot of hidden, shamed, traumatized or repressed parts of your sexuality and erotic power.

I remember the first time I went into a conscious self-pleasure session and what I mean by that is that it was the first time I ever created a beautiful, healing container and space for myself to heal and just get to know my pussy again, without judgement or expectations….like to have an orgasm.

This was not masturbation, which I’m not a fan of that word anyway since it means to defile with one’s hand. Not very sacred to me.

It wasn’t even really about pleasure or orgasm, but about connection and love. It was about peeling back the layers that were hiding behind the numbness inside of my vagina and even in my whole pelvis and womb.

I wrote an article about this experience where I basically reclaimed my lost erotic innocence and I’m putting the word lost in quotes. I essentially re-created my first time having sex with myself using my lovely rose quartz pleasure wand from an amazing company called Chakrubs. I highly recommend them, by the way.

I made this experience as honoring, loving and worthy of worship that I was always worthy and deserving of but didn’t realize at the young age of 17. I’ll link it below so you can read it. It’s really raw and vulnerable and I think I wrote it at like 3 in the morning. (

I want to read a small slice of this post to you though, which I think is important for you to know.

“Often we experience the most profound healing by facing what we feel the most resistance towards exploring within ourselves. If there is something you’re absolutely terrified of exploring or healing within yourself, chances are it will be the most cathartic and rewarding experience if you face the shadows that lurk there and bring them into the light with love.”

I share this with you, because it’s so true. I had so much resistance to awakening my numb vagina.

After all, it was protecting me from feeling things I didn’t want to feel.

Shame. Pain. Trauma. Sadness. Grief. Loss. Rage. I was fucking terrified of the pain that might lie on the other side, but actually more afraid of the pleasure and power.

It took me back to that experience when I was 2 years old and totally tapped into my full erotic innocence, orgasmic energy and sexual power. The experience where I was first shamed for being in my natural state. Connected to my sensuality, sexual energy and my pussy.

I had cycled through many times in my life where my sexual energy was either really high and almost uncontrollable or really low as if it had never been.

It was like a vestigial organ, but instead an energy that had gone missing or was no longer needed. Except that it was and is. Our species depends on it.

This numbness was also preventing me from feeling 95% of what I was craving to feel. The juiciness, the aliveness, the turn on and pulsing deep inside of my pussy.

I wanted to be able to make love one day and feel every single inch of my lover’s cock as it slid in and out of me.

I wanted to be able to touch myself, without shame, and bring myself to ecstatic depths and heights of orgasmic bliss and pleasure.

I wanted to wake up each morning and feel my yoni pulsing, my sexual energy flowing easily and my erotic power stirring deep within.

Now this is reality for me. And you know the best part? It’s possible for you too. It really is.

It just takes a willingness and a fiercely devoted, loving courage to go there. By there I mean into the darkness of your sexuality. It’s actually not as dark as you think.

If you go there with love, you immediately shine light upon it. It becomes ok. Acceptable. Loved. Worthy. You embody your wholeness and your numbness gradually turns into slight tingles, which turn into new sensations, which turns into layers and layers of pleasure and orgasmic energy.

It’s a process of shedding layers. Coming undone. Opening, softening, surrendering, trusting, returning home to everything inside of you.

Connecting back to your sexual-life force and the source of it–your pussy–is the path.

I want to share a few easy rituals with you that will help you develop a new relationship with your yoni, which will over time lead you to moving through numbness or pain and awakening delicious sensation and pleasure.

Ritual #1: Yoni Mirror Worship

This is a ritual I recommend so often, because it will transform your life. Women have such a deep hatred towards their vulvas and I was the same way for years. I couldn’t fathom looking at her. She was an it to me at that time. But slowly I started looking at her each day for a few minutes and found myself falling in love with her colors, textures, shape and size.

Now I can comfortably touch her, pleasure her, whether alone or with a lover, smell her and even taste her. So buy yourself a gorgeous handheld mirror and look at your vulva for 2-5 minutes each day, typically in the morning to get you into the groove of honoring and connecting with her before heading into your day.

Ritual #2: Self-Pussy Massage or Yoni Massage

You can definitely bring your partner into this practice and have them perform a yoni massage on you so you can fully surrender, but this version of the ritual is more about you just honoring the sensations and feelings that come up as you touch, stimulate and massage your vulva and vagina.

I go deeper into this ritual in the Jade Awakening Salon where I actually lead you through a guided ritual, which is super potent, but an easy version is to just massage your vulva and vagina with some warm, coconut oil. Allow yourself to process emotions, lean and breathe into pleasure to expand space inside of yourself and just honor what she feels like.

Ritual #3: Use a Jade Egg

The jade egg is one of the biggest sexual tools I’ve used to awaken my pussy and sexuality again. There’s so many reasons why the jade egg is amazing and I go into a lot of them in my free jade egg ebook and my complimentary 3-part video series, which just released today.

I’d love to share some of the things the jade egg has helped me with in regards to my own numbness. I know it’s helped a lot of women who went through the past round of my online salon too.

The jade egg works as an internal massage that also creates supple strength. It trains you to isolate each section of the vagina so you can have deeper pleasure and more satisfying orgasms, like g-spot or cervical.

It heals incontinence & increases circulation and blood flow in the entire pelvis. This was a huge thing for me because I suffered with bladder inflammation and incontinence for a few years.

It didn’t heal until I started connecting back to my sexuality and pussy, which was the most profound from having a devoted jade egg practice of at least 2-3 times per week, if not more.

The jade egg practice brings you deep into one of the most sensitive and usually the most painful or numb regions of your body–your vagina and allows you to create new neural pathways between your brain and the tissue in your vulva and vagina saying that sensation and pleasure are happening there.

This means you’ll have more lubrication and flow in between your legs, higher arousal levels and a juicy sex drive and more pleasure that comes from stimulating your vulva and vagina, whereas before you may have felt pain or that numbness. It basically re-sensitizes your vagina and awakens your pleasure again.

Since the jade egg stirs up your sexual energy, or chi as the Taoists call it, you’ll be able to take that sexual energy from just being localized in your yoni and raise it into your whole body, which only creates more pathways for healing, sexual arousal and overall vitality.

All of the common (or even not so common) pelvic issues we experience as women are typically a result of blocked or stuck sexual energy, and they’re usually blocked or stuck due to shame or trauma.

Using a jade egg helps you learn how to open to the flow of sexual energy that is normally there and move it so that it’s not concentrated or stuck in a specific area in your body, whether it’s in your pelvis or in a specific chakra.

And my favorite reason is that it’s a practice of surrender and trust. One of the biggest blocks keeping a woman from orgasming, especially with a partner is this fear of total surrender. Learning the art of surrender will change your life. I know this firsthand.

Some of the beautiful comments the women who went through Jade Awakening shared with me were things like…

I feel sexy, empowered, more pleasure, more able to be me and vulnerable when I am using the jade egg regularly.

Feeling more sensual, in touch with my body, openness and receptivity to receive.

I feel myself more turned on physically, deep in my yoni again.

How fucking beautiful is that? Honestly. Your numbness is not something that needs to hold you back from the pleasure, love and sex you deserve. You don’t need to hide behind it anymore. It’s not your natural state.

But you know what is? Pleasure. Sexual energy. Orgasmic potential. Erotic power. Sensual awakening. Trust. Surrender. Safety. Confidence. Flow. That’s all your natural state.

This is exactly why I created my free jade egg ebook, the free video series and definitely why I created my jade egg salon.

Every woman needs to know and understand her sexual potential, especially when it’s hiding behind numbness. Think about all of the power and pleasure that lies on the other side.

So I invite you to sign up for the ebook or video series or both if you feel called to the practice. I have a juicy, super exclusive sneak peek of my salon being revealed to those on my email list only so if you’re intrigued, make sure to join!

I’d love for you to leave a comment below sharing one thing you would be able to awaken or experience if you moved through your vaginal numbness or even the next layer of pleasure. Even if you’re super orgasmic, there’s always more pleasure to uncover, which is so exciting.

Next week’s podcast episode is going to take you deeper into cultivating an empowered, luscious, orgasmic pussy and everything I’ve shared today will get you well on your way to that.
By the way, I just want to say how grateful I am for you reading this. It means the world to me. Have a wonderful day, lover and I’ll be back next week!

